Thursday, June 10, 2010

I knew this girl...

Where to begin? For years, I've been trying to make myself keep a journal, or at the very least to write things down. In high school I decided that I was growing up and didn't want to be 50 years old and not remember things. So thanks to modern technology and the crazy world of blogging, this will be my attempt to write things down, to remember things, to savor moments that I won't want to forget...with the hope that when I'm 50, I'll still remember things - big or small, important or trivial.

The title comes from one of my favorite Jimmy Buffett songs, "Lone Palm." It's on the Fruitcakes album, and was one of the first songs I learned growing up. My mom would listen to that CD in the car over and over again and I soon found myself singing right along on the way home from...pre-school, I guess. The song begins with "I knew this girl made of memories and phrases." Years after learning the song, that line finally resonates with me. I feel like that describes me and who I am.

So hopefully I'll be able to fill this blog with my "memories and phrases." I'm not really concerned about anyone reading this or not. Hopefully I can offer something for someone to enjoy - entertaining moments, an insightful thought here or there, etc. And if not, then I'll still be here with my memories and phrases..."ride if you will, ride it with me."

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